What to do now:
1. Pay attention to your daily activities.
Or perhaps a monthly one – for instance, financial.
It might seem like a huge burden to add another responsibility to your to-do list, but if you figure out how to save a little bit of money throughout the month so that you don’t need to ask mom/dad/husband/wife/friend for money to pay off what you owe, you’ll feel great pride.
2. Find an activity or responsibility that you let someone else handle for you.
I’m not talking about taking out the garbage (it always helps to have someone else do that!).
Look for something you think you can’t do yourself.
Create a list of a few things.
An example is fixing something that breaks in your home.
Or deciding on an appropriate behavior at work/school.
3. Then try to do one of them. It’s ok if you fail.
It’s the attempt that matters. See how far you get on your own.
Try again and again and if you still can’t accomplish the goal, then ask for help but feel pride in the fact that you did your best.
Chances are, you learned something in the process.
What to do now:
1. Pay attention to your daily activities.
Or perhaps a monthly one – for instance, financial.
It might seem like a huge burden to add another responsibility to your to-do list, but if you figure out how to save a little bit of money throughout the month so that you don’t need to ask mom/dad/husband/wife/friend for money to pay off what you owe, you’ll feel great pride.
2. Find an activity or responsibility that you let someone else handle for you.
I’m not talking about taking out the garbage (it always helps to have someone else do that!).
Look for something you think you can’t do yourself.
Create a list of a few things.
An example is fixing something that breaks in your home.
Or deciding on an appropriate behavior at work/school.
3. Then try to do one of them. It’s ok if you fail.
It’s the attempt that matters. See how far you get on your own.
Try again and again and if you still can’t accomplish the goal, then ask for help but feel pride in the fact that you did your best.
Chances are, you learned something in the process.